Quarterly number of vehicles licensed or SORN

Numbers recorded on the last day of each quarter. SORN from 2007 Q4.
Covers United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland up to 2014 Q2. Includes Northern Ireland from 2014 Q3.

Licensed SORN
Quarter Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2024 57 575
2023 64 94 88 57 563 543 558 584
2022 61 88 94 60 563 541 545 580
2021 59 84 91 58 562 546 546 574
2020 68 88 91 63 558 543 550 575
2019 71 95 99 76 540 521 530 559
2018 61 101 99 64 525 512 522 562
2017 94 116 108 70 476 489 503 545
2016 85 121 122 89 487 458 458 492
2015 94 136 136 91 456 447 452 494
2014 97 132 145 103 450 431 437 477
2013 127 149 157 113 392 384 351 460
2012 153 188 179 133 399 361 357 402
2011 162 197 190 163 407 370 373 398
2010 216 230 220 180 407 382 372 425
2009 269 286 270 228 437 405 384 421
2008 336 289 410 448
2007 398 465
2006 517
2005 791
2004 1.1k
2003 1.7k
2002 2.5k
2001 3.6k
2000 4.5k
1999 5.3k
1998 6.0k
1997 6.6k
1996 7.0k
1995 7.3k
1994 7.6k
Quarter Licensed SORN
2024 Q1 57 575
2023 Q4 57 584
2023 Q3 88 558
2023 Q2 94 543
2023 Q1 64 563
2022 Q4 60 580
2022 Q3 94 545
2022 Q2 88 541
2022 Q1 61 563
2021 Q4 58 574
2021 Q3 91 546
2021 Q2 84 546
2021 Q1 59 562
2020 Q4 63 575
2020 Q3 91 550
2020 Q2 88 543
2020 Q1 68 558
2019 Q4 76 559
2019 Q3 99 530
2019 Q2 95 521
2019 Q1 71 540
2018 Q4 64 562
2018 Q3 99 522
2018 Q2 101 512
2018 Q1 61 525
2017 Q4 70 545
2017 Q3 108 503
2017 Q2 116 489
2017 Q1 94 476
2016 Q4 89 492
2016 Q3 122 458
2016 Q2 121 458
2016 Q1 85 487
2015 Q4 91 494
2015 Q3 136 452
2015 Q2 136 447
2015 Q1 94 456
2014 Q4 103 477
2014 Q3 145 437
2014 Q2 132 431
2014 Q1 97 450
2013 Q4 113 460
2013 Q3 157 351
2013 Q2 149 384
2013 Q1 127 392
2012 Q4 133 402
2012 Q3 179 357
2012 Q2 188 361
2012 Q1 153 399
2011 Q4 163 398
2011 Q3 190 373
2011 Q2 197 370
2011 Q1 162 407
2010 Q4 180 425
2010 Q3 220 372
2010 Q2 230 382
2010 Q1 216 407
2009 Q4 228 421
2009 Q3 270 384
2009 Q2 286 405
2009 Q1 269 437
2008 Q4 289 448
2008 Q3 336 410
2007 Q4 398 465
2006 Q4 517
2005 Q4 791
2004 Q4 1.1k
2003 Q4 1.7k
2002 Q4 2.5k
2001 Q4 3.6k
2000 Q4 4.5k
1999 Q4 5.3k
1998 Q4 6.0k
1997 Q4 6.6k
1996 Q4 7.0k
1995 Q4 7.3k
1994 Q4 7.6k

Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

1991 ?
Licensed 12 1
SORN 116 7
1988 1989 1990
Licensed 4 19 21
SORN 28 209 224
Year Licensed SORN
Unknown 1 7
1991 12 116
1990 21 224
1989 19 209
1988 4 28

This table records the year of registration, not the actual age of the vehicle. More info.
Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

1991 ?
Licensed 11 3
SORN 112 26
1988 1989 1990
Licensed 4 19 20
SORN 28 203 215
Year Licensed SORN
Unknown 3 26
1991 11 112
1990 20 215
1989 19 203
1988 4 28

Vehicles registered for the first time, annually

Covers United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland to 2014 Q2. Includes Northern Ireland from 2014 Q3.

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Year Registrations
2024 0
2023 0
2022 0
2021 0
2020 0
2019 0
2018 0
2017 0
2016 0
2015 0
2014 0
2013 0
2012 1
2011 0
2010 0
2009 0
2008 0
2007 0
2006 0
2005 0
2004 0
2003 0
2002 0
2001 0

Vehicles licensed or SORN in 2023 Q4, by fuel type and engine capacity

Covers United Kingdom including Northern Ireland

Capacity Licensed SORN
Petrol Diesel Other Petrol Diesel Other
1901cc to 2000cc 57 578
2001cc to 2100cc 2
2501cc to 2600cc 2
2901cc to 3000cc 1
3101cc to 3200cc 1
Capacity Licensed SORN
1901cc to 2000cc Petrol 57 578
2001cc to 2100cc Petrol 2
2501cc to 2600cc Petrol 2
2901cc to 3000cc Petrol 1
3101cc to 3200cc Petrol 1